Sunday, October 4, 2015

Why I chose to study Japanese!


Japanese has always been a fascinating language and culture for me, as I have seen a lot of it throughout my life. Although I have not watched much anime,  I have always found it and Japanese style artwork to be very pleasing. I have always wanted to be able to understand the language more to be more involved with the culture.

I think that the entertainment environment in Japan is a great place to be a part of, and I would like to be able to understand the language to be able to get as much information as I can about what's new in the entertainment world.

I am very excited to learn more about the language, and how to speak it with prosody. I also want to be able to read kanji and be able to understand it. Because I entered the class a week late, I found that my first week was a bit overwhelming, because there was a lot of material I had to catch up on. So far,  I have found that remembering the hiragana alphabet is the most challenging thing for me. But, I know that with time, I will be able to improve my skills.

じゃ、また!! (^o^)/~~

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Li and I am a senior at Columbia University. What is your major? In terms of "Japanese entertainment", do you mean Jpop? J songs J drams??? I like Japanese songs and anime.
